CIP CODE: 14.0101
AWARD: Associate of Science
LENGTH: 2 Years - Transfer
This degree program is designed for the student preparing for transfer to a four-year program in Engineering. The student is responsible for determining transferability to the four-year college or university. This program is G3 Eligible.
While an elective course may satisfy a requirement for a Central Virginia Community College program, it may not fulfill a requirement at a four-year institution.
Admissions Requirements:
Individuals are eligible for admission to CVCC if they are high school graduates or the equivalent, or if they are eighteen years of age or older and able to benefit academically from study at the community college, as demonstrated by assessment in reading, writing, and mathematics.
In addition to the admission requirements established for the College, entry into the engineering program requires:
(1) placement into MTH 263 (Calculus I) or completion of MTH 167 (Precalculus with Trigonometry)
(2) satisfactory completion of the following high school units or equivalent as a minimum: 4 years of English, 3 years of mathematics (Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry), 1 year of laboratory science and 1 year of social science.
Students with deficiencies will require developmental studies and will not be able to complete the program within a two year window.
Program Requirements:
All students expected to complete the requirements for a degree, diploma, certificate, or career studies certificate must complete an Application for Graduation.
The Program Pathway for Engineering AS is a resource for students that lists the following items:
- The recommended order in which to take the program courses
- Suggested course when more than one option exists
- If the course has a prerequisite
- Courses that may lead to a certificate (if offered in the program)