Feb 13, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Information

Academic Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates

The College offers the following approved programs.

  1. An Associate of Arts and Sciences Degree (AA&S) is awarded to students majoring in specialized programs such as Business Administration, Education, General Studies, Liberal Arts, and Science who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university upon completing the program with CVCC.
  2. An Associate of Science Degree (AS) is awarded to students majoring in Engineering, who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university upon completing the program with CVCC.
  3. An Associate of Applied Science Degree (AAS) is awarded to students majoring in one of the occupational-technical programs who intend to obtain employment immediately upon graduation from CVCC.
  4. A Diploma is awarded to students who complete the Machine Tool or Machine Tool & Quality program who intend to join the workforce upon graduating.
  5. A Certificate is a one-year program awarded to students who complete one of the approved certificate programs. Students who meet eligibility requirements are automatically awarded the General Education Certificate.
  6. A Career Studies Certificate is awarded to students who complete one of the approved career studies programs designed as a short-term program for part-time working adults.

Academic Requirements for Graduation

To be eligible for graduation with a degree, diploma, or certificate from the College, a student must:

  1. Be admitted and accepted into the program plan in which they expect to receive a degree, diploma, or certificate;
  2. Fulfill all of the course-work and credit-hour requirements of the program plan with at least 25% of the credits acquired at CVCC;
  3. Complete and submit an Application for Graduation by the due date for the term in which they expect to graduate;
  4. Have a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in the program plan;
  5. Resolve all financial obligations to the College and return all library and college materials; and
  6. Complete CVCC’s Graduate Exit Assessment and/or the Program’s exit exam.
    Please note that if your requirements are not met you will need to reapply for graduation in the term that your requirements will be met.

Graduation Application

To ensure students complete all required courses needed for their program, students should meet with an Academic Counselor prior to the semester in which they apply to graduate to review their degree progress report.

Students expecting to complete the requirements for a degree, diploma, or certificate must apply for each award by completing a Graduation Application. Students must apply to graduate online using their myCVCC account via the Student Information System. Dual-Enrolled students must complete the paper Dual-Enrolled Graduation Application.

Graduation Exercise

The College has one formal commencement ceremony each May following the spring semester. Fall, Spring, and upcoming Summer graduates are invited to attend. Attendance is encouraged for all graduates.

Graduation Governing Catalog

The catalog used to determine graduation requirements is the one in effect at the time of the student’s initial program placement into the plan from which they are graduating or any subsequent catalog of their choice. In the case where a student discontinues enrollment at the College for four consecutive semesters (excluding summer), graduation requirements will be determined using the catalog in effect during the semester in which the student re-enrolls. The catalog used in certifying graduation requirements shall have been in effect no more than seven years prior to the time of graduation.

Graduation Honors

Students who have fulfilled the requirements applicable to their programs are eligible for graduation honors. Graduation honors are determined by the student’s cumulative grade point average and are not applicable to Career Studies Certificates. Appropriate honors based upon scholastic achievements are recorded on the student’s permanent record as follows:

Cumulative Grade Point Average Honor

3.20 − 3.49 Cum Laude (with honor)
3.50 − 3.79 Magna Cum Laude (with high honor)
3.80 − 4.00 Summa Cum Laude (with highest honor)

Graduation Student Assessment

Prior to graduation, students will be required to complete one or more tests, surveys, or questionnaires designed to assess general education achievement, achievement in selected major areas, and/or other aspects of their education at CVCC. Students will be notified of required assessments in the semester in which they file an application to graduate. Results of these assessments will be kept confidential and will be used for evaluating and improving College programs and services. Individual assessment scores will not affect graduation status.

Second Degree or Certificate

In awarding students an additional degree, diploma, certificate, or career studies certificate, CVCC may grant credit for all completed applicable courses which are requirements of the additional degree, diploma, certificate, or career studies certificate. However, the awards must differ from one another by at least 25% of the credit hours.

Auditing a Course

Students desiring to attend a course without taking the examination or receiving credit for the course may do so by registering to audit through the usual registration process and paying the normal tuition. Audit students may not enroll until the first day of class. Permission of the associate vice president or another appropriate academic administrator is required to audit a course. Audited courses carry no credit and do not count as part of the student’s course load. Students desiring to change status in a course from audit to credit or from credit to audit must do so within the add/drop period for the course. Students who desire to earn credit for a previously audited course must re-enroll in the course for credit and pay normal tuition to earn a grade other than “X.” Advanced standing credit should not be awarded for a previously audited course.

Swapping a Course

Students may swap into a different section of the same course by the drop period as published in the Academic Calendar. Students must obtain the instructor’s signature of approval for the section into which they are wanting to swap. Students may bring an Enrollment Change Form with the instructor’s signature or an email from the instructor authorizing the swap to the Admissions and Records Office to change sections. The Admissions and Records Office will honor instructor authorizations received within 24 hours.

Class Attendance

Students are advised to attend all classes for each course in which they are enrolled. Occasionally, it is unavoidable that a student may miss a class. In this case, the student should notify their instructor(s) prior to the absence, if possible. It is the responsibility of the student to find out what assignments were missed and ask the instructor how to make them up, if make-up is possible.

Administrative Drops for Non-Attendance

Per VCCS Policy, Students who do not attend a minimum of one class meeting (or log into a web-based course and complete at least one assignment) prior to the end of the add/drop period must be administratively dropped from the course. Dropped courses will not appear on the student’s academic transcript.

Administrative Withdrawals

Students missing 20% or more of a class may be administratively withdrawn from the course by their instructor. Students who are withdrawn by the official withdraw date as published in the Academic Calendar will receive a non-penalty grade of “W”. After the withdraw date, students who drop a course will receive a penalty grade of “F”, except under mitigating circumstances. The mitigating circumstance process is outlined in the Appeal of Grades section of this catalog.

Classification of Students

All students are classified according to the following categories:

Curricular Student

A student shall be classified as a curricular student if the following three conditions are satisfied: (1) the student holds a high school diploma, a GED or its equivalent, or is otherwise determined qualified for admission; (2) the required documents for general admission to a curricular program are received by the Office of Admissions and Records; and (3) the student has been admitted to one of the college’s curricula.

Non-Curricular Student

Students who are not formally admitted to one of the regular curricula but who are classified according to the following student goals or conditions are considered non-curricular students

(International students requiring issuance of an I-20 or students receiving Federal or State aid are not eligible for these categories):

  1. Upgrading Employment Skills for Present Job
  2. Developing Skills for New Job
  3. Career Exploration
  4. Personal Satisfaction and General Knowledge
  5. Transient Student (A student who maintains primary enrollment with another postsecondary institution and elects to enroll at CVCC.)
  6. High School Student dual enrollment or dual credit
  7. Auditing a Course

Full-time Student: Students enrolled in 12 or more credits during a semester are considered full-time students.
Part-time Student: Students enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours but at least 6 credits during a semester are considered part-time students.
Freshman: Students are classified as freshmen until 30 semester credits of study have successfully been completed.
Sophomore: Students are classified as sophomores after 30 semester credits of study have successfully been completed.
Transfer credits are included in this total providing they apply toward the requirements of the student’s program plan.

Computer Competency

Central Virginia Community College believes that all students should experience a teaching-learning environment that supports computer and information literacy. The College endorses the principle of computer competency for all students completing an associate degree, diploma, or certificate program containing 45 or more semester hours. Students must demonstrate proficiency and be able to: 1) demonstrate a working knowledge of computing concepts, components, and operations to accomplish educational and career tasks; 2) use appropriate components of an integrated productivity software package involving word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation, and/or communication applications; 3) access, retrieve, assess, and apply networked information resources; and 4) use telecommunication software.

The computer competency requirement is designated by specific courses within each curriculum. Students have the option of taking the required computer course, completing a challenge exam, or substituting another approved computer course. Transfer credit may also be granted if a similar course was taken at another college.

Credit by Exam, Previous Completion, or Occupational Experience

An individual’s prior experience and knowledge should be recognized in a manner most beneficial to that person. Central Virginia Community College offers its students the opportunity to receive credit by examination, previous completion, or occupational experience in the following ways:

  1. AP (Advanced Placement Test) - This program allows students to pursue college-level studies while still in secondary schools. College credit is granted for students who take the final exam and obtain scores of 3 or higher.*
  2. CLEP (College Level Examination) - These examinations are developed by the Educational Testing Service for general as well as specific content areas. Students who score at or above the minimum level suggested by the American Council on Education (ACE) will receive credit appropriate to that exam.*
  3. DANTES (Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Educational Support) - Credit may be granted for successful completion of correspondence courses and subject standardized tests (SST) of the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Educational Support (DANTES), formerly the United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI). These subject standardized tests provide service members an opportunity to obtain credit for knowledge and skills acquired through non-traditional educational experience. Credit granted is based on the recommendations of American Council of Education (ACE). *
  4. Military service - Credit may be allowed for Armed Service School experiences. Official discharge papers (DD214), Military transcripts or other documentation should be submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records for evaluation. Credit granted is based on the ACE recommendation.*
  5. International Baccalaureate - Credit is granted for students earning the International Baccalaureate degree depending upon scores.*
  6. Local challenge examinations - Examinations locally prepared and administered for subjects not available in the CLEP program will be utilized for a variety of courses at Central Virginia Community College. Specific course credit will be granted for each local challenge exam successfully completed. For more information, contact the associate vice president who is responsible for courses in the appropriate discipline.
  7. Formal learning experiences - The student should submit evidence of other formal learning experiences to the instructor or associate vice president who is responsible for courses in the appropriate program/plan for evaluation. These experiences might include police academies and industrial training programs. Credit may be granted as a means of achieving advanced standing for previous non-collegiate education, training, and/or previous occupational experiences as recommended by the American Council of Education (ACE).

* To receive credit, students should send their official records, test scores, or transcripts to the Office of Admissions and Records for evaluation.

In all of the above areas, neither grades nor grade points are awarded and credit is posted to the student’s record as “test credit” or “other credit.” Students who plan to transfer to other institutions of higher education are cautioned that not all institutions of higher education accept credits earned in this manner as transfer credit. It is the student’s responsibility to determine the acceptability of these credits at the institution to which the student will transfer.

Program Plan Changes

The following policies have been established to clarify questions concerning program plan changes. The levels of program plans are listed below:

  • Associate of Arts and Sciences
  • Associate of Science
  • Associate of Applied Science
  • Diploma
  • Certificate
  • Career Studies Certificate

Students in Good Standing

A student in good standing with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 may request a program plan change by meeting with an Academic Counselor and submitting a Curriculum Change Form to the Office of Admissions and Records. The student should also request that any transcripts from other colleges be re-evaluated when changing their program plan. Previous applicable coursework will apply towards the new program.

Students on Academic Warning, Probation, Suspension, or Dismissal

A student on Academic Warning or Probation may not change to a higher-level program plan but may change to a program plan in the same or lower-level. Previous applicable course work will apply towards the new program. Students on Academic Suspension or Dismissal must first submit a Request for Readmission form available in the Office of Admissions and Records to determine if they are eligible for re-admittance.

Dean’s List/Honor Roll

Dean’s List - Students enrolled full-time who earn a semester grade point average of 3.2 or better are on the Dean’s List.

Honor Roll - Students who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher and have completed a minimum of 20 semester hours of credit at the College are on the Honor Roll.

Final Examinations

All students are expected to take their examinations at the regularly scheduled times. No exceptions shall be made without the permission of the course instructor and the associate vice president.

Grading System

In order to receive any letter grade, a student must have attended a minimum of one class meeting or the equivalent in the case of a distance learning course. In a distance learning course, initial student attendance is determined by course participation as measured by accessing and using course materials, completion of a class assignment, participation in a course discussion, or other evidence of participation. Students who enroll in a course but do not attend a minimum of one class meeting or the distance learning equivalent by the census date or earlier date as defined and published by the institution must be administratively deleted from the course by the college. Existing college policies regarding tuition refund shall remain in effect.

The grades of A, B, C, D, P, and S are passing grades. Grades of F and U are failing grades. R and I are interim grades. Grades of W and X are final grades carrying no credit.

The quality of performance in any academic course is reported by a letter grade, the assignment of which is the responsibility of the instructor. These grades denote the character of study and are assigned quality points as follows:

A Excellent - 4 grade points per credit

B Good - 3 grade points per credit

C Average - 2 grade points per credit

D Poor - 1 grade point per credit

F Failure - 0 grade points per credit

I Incomplete - No grade point credit. The “I” grade is to be used only for verifiable unavoidable reasons that a student is unable to complete a course within the normal course time. To be eligible to receive an “I” grade, the student must (1) have satisfactorily completed more than 60% of the course requirements and attendance and (2) must request the faculty member to assign the “I” grade and indicate why it is warranted. The faculty member has the discretion to decide whether the “I” grade will be awarded. Since the “incomplete” extends enrollment in the course, requirements for satisfactory completion shall be established through consultation between the faculty member and the student. In assigning the “I” grade, the faculty member must complete documentation that (1) states the reason for assigning the grade; (2) specifies the work to be completed and indicates its percentage in relation to the total work of the course; (3) specifies the date by which the work must be completed; and (4) identifies the default (B, C, D, F, P, R, or U) based upon course work already completed. Completion dates may not be set beyond the last day of the subsequent semester (to include summer term) without written approval of the chief academic officer of the campus. The student will be provided a copy of the documentation. Colleges will establish procedures to ensure that all “I” grades that have not been changed by the faculty member through the normal grade change processes are subsequently changed to the default grade assigned by the faculty member. An “I” grade will be changed to a “W” only under documented mitigating circumstances which must be approved by the Chief Academic Officer of the campus.

P Pass - No grade point credit; applies only to non-developmental studies courses.

R Re-enroll - No grade point credit; the “R” grade may be used as a grade option, in developmental and ESL courses only, to indicate satisfactory progress toward meeting course objectives. In order to complete course objectives, students receiving an “R” grade must re-enroll in the course and pay the specified tuition.

S Satisfactory - No grade point credit. Used only for satisfactory completion of developmental studies courses.

U Unsatisfactory - No grade point credit. Applies to developmental courses and other courses that have College approval for the Pass/Unsatisfactory grading option.

W Withdrawal - No grade point credit. A grade of “W” is awarded to students who withdraw or are administratively withdrawn from a course by the official last day to withdraw as listed in the Academic Calendar each term. This is a no-penalty grade and does not affect a student’s GPA.

X Audit - No grade point credit. For students desiring to attend a course for general knowledge without taking examinations or receiving credit. The appropriate associate vice president or Designee must approve.

The semester grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned in courses attempted for the semester by the total number of credits attempted. Developmental courses (numbered 01-09) are not figured into this calculation.

Academic Renewal

Students who return to the college after a separation of five (5) years or more, may petition for academic renewal. The request must be in writing and submitted to the Admissions and Records Office.

If a student is determined to be eligible for academic renewal, “D” and “F” grades earned prior to reenrollment will be deleted from the cumulative and curriculum grade point average (GPA), subject to the following conditions:

  1. Prior to petitioning for academic renewal the student must demonstrate a renewed academic interest and effort by earning at least a 2.5 GPA in the first twelve (12) non-developmental semester hours completed after reenrollment
  2. All grades received at the college will be a part of the student’s official transcript.
  3. Students will receive degree credit only for courses in which grades of “C” or better were earned prior to academic renewal, providing that such courses meet current curriculum requirements.
  4. Total hours for graduation will be based on all course work taken at the college after readmission, as well as former course work for which a grade of “C” or better was earned, and credits transferred from other colleges or universities.
  5. The academic renewal policy may be used only once and cannot be revoked once approved.

Cumulative Grade Point Average

Cumulative GPA, which includes all courses attempted, is computed each semester and is maintained on a continuing basis as a record of the student’s academic standing. When students repeat a course, only the highest grade earned is counted in the computation of the cumulative GPA and for satisfying curricular requirements unless the course is designated repeatable for credit in the Master Course File or is a General Usage course. In instances of courses designated as repeatable for credit or General Usage courses, all grades/credits are counted in the computation of the cumulative grade point average. Grades of “S,” “P,” “U,” “W,” “X,” and “I” shall not count as first or subsequent attempts when calculating cumulative GPA. Courses that do not generate grade points are not included in credits attempted.

Developmental Courses - Grading

A grade of “S” (Satisfactory) shall be assigned for satisfactory completion of each developmental studies course (courses numbered 01-09). “S” grades are not included in grade point average calculations.

Students making satisfactory progress but not completing all of the instructional objectives for a developmental course shall be graded with an “R” (Re-enroll). To complete the course a student must re-enroll.

Students not making satisfactory progress in a developmental course shall be graded “U” (Unsatisfactory), and counselors shall recommend the subsequent sequence of courses for the student.

A student is normally limited to two enrollments in the same credit course. Grades of “R”, “U”, “W”, and “I”, count as enrollments. If a student intends to enroll for a third time, documented permission must be given by the appropriate associate vice president .

Appeal of Grades

A student having factual evidence that a grade, as reported, is in error and who wishes to appeal said grade, should use the provisions of the appeal of grades procedures as set forth herein.


Step I: Recognizing that appeal of grades should be raised and settled promptly, an appeal of grades must be raised within ten business days following either the event giving rise to the appeal of grades or within ten business days from the time when the student reasonably should have gained knowledge of its occurrence, but in any case no longer than one year after the grade was posted. The student shall discuss the appeal of grades with the College employee involved. Every reasonable effort should be made by both parties to resolve the matter at this level. If the student is not satisfied with the disposition of the appeal of grades at Step 1, the student should consult with a Counselor for direction in following the proper appeal of grades procedure. The role of the Counselor shall be to explain the appeal of grades procedure to the student and the importance of the time element.

Step II: If the student is not satisfied with the disposition of the appeal of grades at Step 1, the student may within five business days of the final decision at Step 1, file a written appeal with the associate vice president having direct supervision of the employee. Within five business days of receipt of the written appeal of grades, the associate vice president (or other administrator) will schedule a conference with the student and the employee in an effort to resolve the appeal of grades. Within seven business days after the conference, the associate vice president involved shall prepare a report of the disposition of the matter with copies to the student and the employee.
If the student is not satisfied with the resolution of the appeal of grades by the associate vice president, the appeal shall proceed to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. The appeal process shall proceed from Step I to Step III, as provided below.

Step III: If the student is not satisfied with the disposition of the appeal of grades at Step II, the student may file a written appeal to the vice president within five business days of receipt by the student of the final decision rendered at Step II. Within five business days after receipt of the written report, the vice president shall select an ad hoc committee of four disinterested persons. The vice president shall designate a chair. The committee shall consist of two students and two College employees; the two students shall be selected by the Student Government and the two College employees shall be one faculty member and one administrator.
Within five business days after the ad hoc committee has been designated by the vice president, the chair of the ad hoc committee shall set a time and place for the hearing and notify the student, the employee being grieved against and the supervisors of this employee. The hearing shall begin within ten business days after the ad hoc committee has been designated. Within five business days after the hearing is completed, the ad hoc committee shall make its decision by simple majority vote and communicate its findings in writing to the student, the supervisors, and the vice president. Within ten business days of the receipt of the findings of the committee, the vice president shall accept or reject the findings of the committee. Should the vice president reject the findings of the committee, the vice president shall do so only on the basis of the requirements of law and shall set forth the rationale for this action in writing. The vice president shall provide a copy of the written decision to the student, the employee being grieved against, the supervisors of this employee, and the chair of the ad hoc committee.

Step IV: If the student is not satisfied with the findings of the ad hoc committee and the review by the vice president, within ten business days after notification of the decision, the student may request a review by the President. The President can meet with the student and review the facts of the appeal of grades. The decision of the President is final and binding on all parties.

Time Limitations

  1. Extension of Time: It is important to good relationships that appeal of grades be initiated and processed as rapidly as possible. Every effort shall be made by all parties to expedite the process. The time limitations specified for either party may be extended by written mutual agreement.
  2. Effect of Failure to Appeal Within Time Limit: If there is no written mutual agreement to extend the time limits set herein, and if a decision at one level is not appealed to the next level of the procedure within the time limit specified, it shall be determined on the basis of the last decision rendered.
  3. Effect of Failure to Respond Within Time Limit: Failure at any level of the appeal of grades procedure to initiate communications of the decision to the student within the specified time limits shall permit the lodging of an appeal at the next level of the procedure within the time which would have been allotted had the decision been communicated by the final day.

General Provisions

  1. Identification: All written appeal of grades and appeals shall include the name and position of the aggrieved party and a brief statement of the nature of the appeal of grades and the redress sought by the aggrieved party.
  2. Avoiding Interruptions: In pursuing the provisions of this procedure, every effort shall be made to avoid interruptions of classroom activities.
  3. Informal Discussion: Nothing contained herein shall be construed as limiting the right of the student to have the appeal of grades informally adjusted.
  4. Rights of Grievant: The grievant shall have the right to counsel (own expense), the right to present and cross-examine witnesses, the right to present evidence, the right to examine all documents and demonstrative evidence introduced during the proceedings and the right to a copy of the transcript of the proceedings (own expense).
  5. Placement of Records: If the procedures go beyond the informal stage of Step 1, and the decision is in favor of the aggrieved student, a copy of the findings of the case shall be placed in the official personnel file of all employees complained against by the aggrieved student.
  6. Academic Freedom: This appeal of grades procedure shall not be used to restrain students or faculty members in their exercise of constitutional rights or academic freedom as set forth in the State of Academic Freedom and Responsibility adopted by the State Board for Community Colleges on January 29, 1969.
  7. Notification of Findings: A copy of findings will be given directly to the student when possible. When the student is not available, notification will be by certified mail, return receipt requested.


Important dates pertaining to enrollment and tuition deadlines are published in the Academic Calendar for each term and can be viewed at CVCC’s website under the Admissions page. Students may enroll using the Student Information System accessed through their MyCVCC account, in person, or by phone by calling the Office of Admissions and Records. Students enrolling for the first time, on academic probation, or students requiring developmental mathematics or English courses should meet with an Academic Advisor or Counselor to assist with planning their course schedule. Many courses require prerequisites so we encourage students to work with an Advisor to assist with enrollment.

Students should be enrolled and have tuition paid or have financial aid in place prior to the start of the classes. Students should verify their enrollment status by logging into their MyCVCC account and viewing their class schedule under enrollment. Students who enrolled but failed to pay tuition will be dropped from the course and will not be permitted to attend.

Student Academic Load

The normal academic course load for full-time students is 15 − 17 credits. The minimum full-time load is 12 credits and the normal maximum full-time load is 18 credits − excluding College Success Skills (SDV 100). Students wishing to carry an academic load of more than 18 credits must have the approval of the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs or Designee. Students placed on academic warning or academic probation may be required to take less than the normal semester course load. No program plan may require more than 18 credits per semester plus SDV 100.

Enrollment Schedule Changes

Students should follow the established add, drop, and withdrawal deadlines as published in the Academic Calendar each term when making any change in their class schedule. Failure to do so could result in a penalty grade being given.

Students must register for courses by the deadline listed in the Academic Calendar. Classes may only be added after the add/drop deadline with the appropriate approval(s). To add, drop, or withdraw from a course, students may use the Student Information System by logging into their My CVCC account or by submitting an Enrollment Change Form to the Office of Admissions and Records or nearest CVCC off-site center. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of all deadlines and penalty dates listed in the Academic Calendar.

  1. Addition of a Course: The last day to add courses is listed in the Academic Calendar for each term.
  2. Section Changes: A student may change to another section of the same course before the last day to drop with refund as listed in the Academic Calendar. Students will need to obtain the new instructor’s signature on an Enrollment Change Form and bring it to the Office of Admissions and Records within 24 hours for processing.
  3. Drop with Refund: Students are eligible for a refund of the tuition paid if the student drops their course(s) by the drop date listed in the Academic Calendar.
  4. Withdrawal Without Grade Penalty: A student may withdraw from a course by the withdrawal date listed in the Academic Calendar and receive a “W” (Withdrawn without penalty) grade. “W” grades do not affect student’s GPA, but may have an impact on Financial Aid eligibility.
  5. Withdrawal with Grade Penalty: After the withdrawal date has passed, students dropping a course(s) will receive a penalty grade of “F” which will negatively affect one’s GPA. Therefore, it is very important that students be aware of all drop and withdrawal deadlines.
  6. Mitigating Circumstance Withdrawals: Mitigating circumstances must be reasons beyond the control of the student such as illness, death in the family, or accidental injury, but not poor performance in class. To be eligible, students must be making satisfactory progress in the class(es) at the time of withdrawal. Students must consult with an Academic Counselor before submitting the Mitigating Circumstance Withdrawal Form to determine if they are eligible. Students must be able to provide supporting documentation to justify the reason for withdrawal. All students will be notified if they are approved for the mitigating withdrawal or not.

Repetition of Courses

Students will be limited to two (2) enrollments in the same credit course. Requests to enroll in the same course for a third time must be approved by the appropriate associate vice president. Students are limited to 10 credits earned through multiple enrollments in the same course; any exceptions must be approved by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. A grade of withdrawal “W” counts as a time taking a course in this regard. This limitation does not apply to courses identified as general usage courses, such as internships, seminars and supervised studies.

Beginning in Fall 2021, if a course is repeated, the higher of the grades for the course will count toward the GPA calculation, if the first attempt of the course was taken in Fall 2021 or after.  Only the highest course, credits, and grade received was used in computation of total hours completed and the cumulative and semester grade point average (GPA) and for satisfying curricular requirements unless the course is designated repeatable for credit in the Master Course File or is a General Usage course. If the first attempt of the course was taken prior to Fall 2021, only the most recent course, with its grade, will be used in computation of total hours completed and the cumulative and semester grade point averages. 

In instances of courses designated as repeatable for credit or General Usage courses, all grades/credits are counted in the computation of the cumulative grade point average. The other grade received will show as repeated and will not be factored into a student’s GPA. Grades of “S,” “P,” “U,” “W,” “X,” and “I” shall not count as first or subsequent attempts when calculating cumulative GPA. Courses that do not generate grade points are not included in credits attempted. Courses identified as repeats must have the same credit hours. Course attempts which result in a grade of “W’, “X”, “R”, or “U” do not affect the student’s GPA.

Repeating Developmental Math Courses

Students will be limited to two (2) enrollments in the same MTE course. Requests to enroll in the same MTE course for a third time will automatically be processed; however, to complete the process, the student is required to consult with the instructor to complete a Plan for Success. During this time, the student will be required to reflect on the changes that can be made to ensure success during this enrollment. The plan will then be submitted to and reviewed by the Developmental Math Coordinator.

Requests to enroll in the same MTE course for the fourth time will require that the student meet with the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services to work on a long range plan for success that includes at least three (3) tutoring sessions at the Student Success Center during a 4 week hiatus from the MTE course. At the end of the 4 weeks the student visits again with the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services to discuss their progress and if appropriate remediation occurred. At that time a decision on the fourth time enrollment will be determined.

Semester Credits

A credit is equivalent to one collegiate semester hour. Each semester hour of credit given for a course is based on an academic hour, which is 50 minutes of formalized, structured instructional time in a particular course weekly for 15 weeks. This is a total of 750 minutes of instruction. In addition to this instructional time, there will be a minimum of one hour of scheduled evaluation or examination for each semester hour of credit generated by the course, not to exceed three academic hours (150 minutes). Courses may consist of lectures, out-of-class study, laboratory and shop study, or combinations thereof. Credits may be assigned to the activities as follows:

  1. Lecture - One academic hour of lecture (including lecture, seminar, discussion, or other similar activities) per week, generally for 15 weeks, plus the evaluation or examination period, equals one collegiate semester-hour credit.
  2. Laboratory - Two to five academic hours, depending on the discipline, of laboratory, shop, clinical training, supervised work experience, coordinated internship, or other similar activities per week, generally for 15 weeks, plus the evaluation or examination period, equals one collegiate semester-hour credit.
  3. General Usage Courses - These courses include variable academic hours for one to five credits for general usage courses, such as Coordinated Internship, Cooperative Education, Seminar and Project, and Supervised Study.

Student Information Release

Notification of Rights Under FERPA for Students Attending

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 10 business days of the day CVCC receives a request for access. Students should submit their request to The College Registrar or Designee. Request must be in writing that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The Registrar or Designee will meet with and provide access for the student to review their records.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask CVCC to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. Students should contact the Registrar or Designee to discuss the part of the record they believe is inaccurate. If CVCC decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, CVCC will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by CVCC in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom CVCC has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Visitors; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, CVCC discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by CVCC to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: The Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Washington, DC, 20202-5920.
  5. FERPA permits CVCC to disclose certain items from student’s records as “Directory Information”. This information may be released without consent unless the student, during the first 10 days of the semester, has indicated, in writing to the College Registrar, that he/she does not wish this information released. CVCC identifies directory information as the student’s name; participation in any college sports or activities; weight and height of athletic team members; degrees, honors, and awards received; program of study; dates of attendance; grade level (freshman or sophomore); the most recent educational agency attended; the number of credit hours enrolled; and photos.
  6. According to FERPA, CVCC may release information without the student’s written consent to the following:
    1. School officials, as identified by CVCC, determined by CVCC to have a legitimate educational interest,
    2. Officials of other institutions in which the student seeks to enroll,
    3. Persons or organizations providing to the student financial aid, or determining financial aid decisions,
    4. Accrediting organizations carrying out their accrediting functions,
    5. Parents or legal guardians of a student who have established that student’s status as a dependent according to IRS Code of 1986, Section 152, (Parents must provide a copy of their tax return to the CVCC Office of Admissions and Records or a student release form must be on file),
    6. Persons in compliance with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena,
    7. Persons in an emergency, if the knowledge of information, in fact, is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons.

Questions on this policy can be directed to The College Registrar or Designee.

Persons involved in the serving of a warrant, subpoena, or summons at CVCC should be referred to the Office of Admissions and Records. Local, state, and federal officers are requested to serve these legal documents at the student’s residence if at all possible.

Many CVCC students are from the cities of Lynchburg and Bedford, the counties of Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford, and Campbell, or peripheral counties. In cases where these police agencies deem it necessary to contact the student at the College, we offer two services which will cause minimal embarrassment to the student and save time for law enforcement officers.

  1. The Office of Admissions and Records will contact the student and request that the student go to the appropriate police agency to pick up the subpoena or summons.
  2. The local, state, or federal officers may come to CVCC to serve the warrant, subpoena, or summons. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs will contact the student at the end of a class period and request that the student come to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs’ Office where the warrant, subpoena, or summons will be served. These procedures do not apply to serious offenses or extenuating circumstances.

Student Records Retention Policy

The academic and counseling records of a student will be maintained either on paper copy or electronically by the College according to the following schedule:

Permanent retention is required only for the academic transcript (student permanent record) which is kept electronically in the College’s Student Information System.

Once a student enrolls at CVCC, application forms, high school and college transcripts, residency forms, curriculum placement, course substitutions, and grade change forms are maintained in the student file for a period of three years after the student discontinues enrollment and/or graduates.

Three-year retention from the start of a semester is required for registration; drop/add, and withdrawal forms; faculty grade reports; and change of grade forms.

One-year retention from date of origination is required for transcript request forms, application forms (non-matriculated students), change of student information such as name and/or address changes, and graduation applications and certifications. Students who apply to the College but do not attend within three consecutive semesters are discontinued and any paper records discarded. Students must re-apply to the college once they are discontinued.

Student Status

The College updates a student’s academic standing at the end of each term once grades are posted. Students must log into their MyCVCC account and use the Student Information System to check their standing by viewing their grades or viewing an unofficial transcript. Students who are dismissed or suspended will be notified by mail or email at the end of each term. CVCC has Academic Counselors available to assist students to increase their effectiveness in meeting the academic standards of the institution and ultimately graduate. Students are expected to maintain a 2.0 (C) grade point average and to be making satisfactory academic progress toward graduation.

Good Standing

Students are considered to be in good academic standing if they maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 per semester, are eligible to re-enroll at the College, and are not on academic suspension or dismissal status. “Good Standing” will appear on the student’s record for that term.

Academic Warning

Students who fail to attain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 for any semester shall have “Academic Warning” printed on the student’s permanent records.

Academic Probation

Students who fail to maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 1.5 shall be on academic probation until such time as their cumulative GPA is 1.75 or better. The statement “Academic Probation” shall be placed on the students’ permanent records and students may be required to carry less than a normal course load the following semester. Students on academic probation are required to consult with their Academic Advisor or Counselor. Students are placed on probation only after they have attempted twelve (12) semester credit hours.

Academic Suspension

Students on academic probation who fail to attain a GPA of 1.5 for the next semester in attendance shall be placed on suspension only after they have attempted a total of twenty-four (24) semester hours at the College. Students who are academically suspended may not attend the following spring or fall term after their suspension. The statement “Academic Suspension” shall be placed on the student’s permanent record.

Readmission after Academic Suspension

Suspended students may be readmitted after the end of the suspension period. Suspended students must complete the Request for Readmissions Form available in the Office of Admissions and Records. The College Registrar or Designee will notify students if they are approved or disapproved for readmission. If a student is readmitted, they must meet the following requirements: (1) The student must obtain a 2.0 GPA the semester in which they are reinstated; (2) The student must maintain a 1.75 GPA in each subsequent semester; and (3) The student will remain on probation until their cumulative grade point average is raised to a minimum of 1.75. If these requirements are not met, the student will be academically dismissed from the college, which is normally permanent. Readmitted students may be required to carry less than a normal course load and are required to consult with their Academic Advisor or Counselor.

Academic Dismissal

Students who fail to obtain a 2.0 grade point average for the semester of reinstatement to the College when on academic suspension shall be academically dismissed. The statement “Academic Dismissal” shall be placed on the student’s permanent records. Academic Dismissal is normally permanent.

Readmission after Academic Dismissal

Academic dismissal is normally permanent unless, with good cause, the student reapplies and is accepted under special consideration for readmission. After 12 months following the dismissal, the student may submit a written request for readmission using the Request for Readmission Form to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. The student who is readmitted must obtain a 2.0 grade point average the semester reinstated and maintain a 1.75 GPA in each subsequent semester.


Students may request that copies of their transcripts be forwarded to other educational institutions, employers, or any persons designated by the student. Students may authorize the release of their transcript the following ways:

  1. Log into the Student Information System using their MyCVCC account. Using Self Service, choose Request Official Transcript. Include the address where the transcript should be sent and press Submit;
  2. Complete a Transcript Request Form, available in the Office of Admissions & Records, Amherst Hall, Room 2204;
  3. Send a letter to the CVCC Office of Admissions and Records, 3506 Wards Rd., Lynchburg, VA 24502. Include your name, date of birth, student ID# if known, the address where your transcript should be sent and your daytime telephone number and signature; or,
  4. Fax a written request to the CVCC Office of Admissions and Records at fax (434) 832-7793 and include the same information listed in (3) above.
  5. Requests for transcripts cannot be made by phone.

There is no fee for transcripts. Generally transcript requests will be processed within five working days. Due to limitations on access to student information under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), telephone and third party requests for transcripts cannot be honored. The College does not release a transcript unless tuition, fees, and other obligations due the College have been paid or satisfied.

Passport Transfer Courses

The Transfer Passport is a college program in which all courses are transferable and satisfy lower-division general education requirements at any Virginia public institution of higher education.  To satisfy the Passport students are required to complete the appropriate number of courses in each course block per the directions below.  Students should be advised to take the Passport that best suits their intended program of study at the four-year institution.  

The following CVCC courses are transferable to any Virginia public institution of higher education (and select private institutions) and will, with a few exceptions, satisfy a lower-division general education requirement.

For a complete list of all Virginia Community College System (VCCS) passport transfer classes, please contact Counseling.
Select one course from Block I, III, IV and V.  One additional course must be selected from either Block II or VI. 

Block I: Written Communication

  • ENG 111   - College Composition I

Block II: Humanities/Arts

- Art

  • ART 101   - History of Art: Prehistoric to Gothic
  • ART 102   - History of Art: Renaissance to Modern
  • CST 151   - Film Appreciation I
  • MUS 121   - Music in Society

- Humanities 

Block III: Social and Behavioral Sciences

  • ECO 150   - Economic Essentials: Theory and Application
  • ECO 201   - Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ECO 202   - Principles of Microeconomics
  • GEO 210   - People and the Land: Intro to Cultural Geography
  • PLS 135   (PLS 211  ) - U.S. Government and Politics
  • PSY 200   - Principles of Psychology
  • SOC 200   - Introduction to Sociology
  • SOC 268   - Social Problems

Block IV: Natural Sciences

  • BIO 101   - General Biology I
  • CHM 111   - General Chemistry I
  • ENV 121   - General Environmental Science I
  • GOL 105   - Physical Geology
  • GOL 110   - Earth Systems: Environmental Geology Perspectives

Block V: Mathematics

  • Quantitative/Statistics Pathway:
    MTH 154  - Quantitative Reasoning
    MTH 155  - Statistical Reasoning
    MTH 245   - Statistics I
  • Calculus Pathway:
  • MTH 161  /MTH 162   - Precalculus I/Precalculus II**
  • MTH 167  - Precalculus with Trigonometry**
  • MTH 245  - Statistics
  • MTH 261   - Applied Calculus I
  • MTH 263   - Calculus I

Block VI: History

  • HIS 101   - Western Civilizations Pre-1600 CE
  • HIS 102   - Western Civilizations Post-1600 CE
  • HIS 121   - United States History I
  • HIS 122   - United States History II

**MTH 161/162 and 167 should only be taken by students preparing for calculus or for four-year degree programs that require study in College Algebra/Precalculus. Precalculus may not satisfy general education and may not receive transfer credit.