Mar 02, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The primary mission of the library is to support the learning needs of the student body by providing access to primary and secondary learning resources in print, audiovisual, and electronic formats; and to give assistance in the development of skills necessary for their effective utilization. Access to resources will include items immediately available on campus, supplied through interlibrary loan or a database, and delivered or transmitted from another location. The library’s secondary mission is to assist faculty, staff, and administration with their research needs and, to a lesser extent, to make materials and reference assistance available to members of the surrounding community.

Hours (when classes are in session)

Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

When the College is not in session, hours are posted at the entrance to the library.

Conduct in the Library

The Library is a facility for quiet study, browsing, and reading as well as the site for securing information and learning resources. Please ask for assistance if you do not find what you need. Someone is scheduled at the desk at all times to help you. Please refrain from loud talking or other behavior which would impede others’ ability to study. Smoking, tobacco, and cell phone use are not permitted.

Ethical Information Access

Recognizing that expanded access to information in many formats includes the responsibility for its ethical usage, the Library will follow the security procedures adopted by the VCCS and will abide by copyright guidelines in regard to all materials.

General Information

The Library is located on the first floor of Bedford Hall Learning Commons on the main campus. An elevator is available in the lobby to reach classrooms, and the Writing Center, Student Success Center, Distance Education Center, and Math Acheivement Learning Lab. Our Library houses approximately 26,000 volumes and subscribes to approximately 100 periodicals. Other resources of the Library include compact disks and visual material. A local area network provides access to the online catalog, and databases, available through remote online access. The Library also has a collection of popular reading materials and classic/popular movies on DVD. Trained personnel are on duty to assist students. Hours of operation are posted in various locations.

Library Cards

Students of the College are issued a Library/Student ID card to check out materials from the Library. Students from other colleges and adults from the community may use the Library and may request a card but may check out only a limited number of items. Public school students may use the Library but may not check out materials unless they are dual enrollment students. Students must show their Library/Student ID card to check out Library materials. Replacement cards are $10.00.

Loan Periods

  1. The loan period for books and compact disks is four weeks, and they may be renewed unless someone else has requested them.
  2. DVDs are loaned out for one week.
  3. Items may be renewed over the phone if the due date has not passed; if overdue, they must be returned to the Library in order to be renewed.
  4. Periodicals (magazines, journals, and newspapers) do not circulate.
  5. Reference books may be used in the Library only.

Lost Books/Damaged Materials

If an item is not returned within 30 days, an overdue notice will be sent. If not returned within 30 days, it will be assumed to be lost. The Library will bill the person $50.00 per item. The Office of Admissions and Records, in cooperation with the Library, will not issue a transcript while Library materials are outstanding. Students may not complete the registration process until past Library obligations have been cleared.

When any materials are damaged, the borrower must pay for the cost of repairing them unless they are damaged beyond repair. Then, the borrower must pay for replacing each item , which is $50.00 per item. Items lost by the borrower must be replaced at $50.00 per item.

Reserve Materials

These materials are kept on the Reserve shelves by faculty for the use of their classes, and are circulated for a period of time less than the regular loan period. There are three reserve loan periods:

  1. Closed: The user must check out the item to be used in the Library only.
  2. One Day: The user checks out the item any time one day and returns it the next day the Library is open.
  3. One Week: The user checks out the item for seven days.


The Library is happy to receive gift books which fit within our curriculum guidelines, are current, and in good condition. Donations with restrictions as to usage or housing cannot be accepted and the Library reserves the right to dispose of items as it deems appropriate.

Borrowing Privileges from Area Libraries

All currently enrolled CVCC students may borrow materials from Lynchburg College and Lynchburg Public Library. If you wish to borrow materials from Lynchburg College, please come to the circulation desk in the CVCC Library and request a borrower’s form. Current students who are non-residents of the City of Lynchburg may borrow books from the Lynchburg Public Library without paying a fee if they secure a form at the CVCC circulation desk.

InterLibrary Loan

Materials not owned by CVCC may be loaned to us by another Library. Forms are available at the desk and on the Library’s website to request that a book, magazine article, etc. be secured from another institution that owns it. The Library does have access to materials not available in our facility. Borrowing material through interLibrary loan usually takes from three to ten days.

Placement Testing

The Library administers placement tests for Dual Enrollment Students for the College. Students who wish to take placement tests must begin tests by 5:30 p.m. when the Library closes at 7:30 and 2:30 p.m. when the Library closes at 5:00 p.m. Those wishing to take the assessment tests must have applied for admission to the College and bring a form of photo identification to show to the Library desk attendant.